
We extend results about primitive ideals in polynomial rings over nil rings originally proved by Smoktunowicz (2005) for -primitive ideals in skew polynomial rings of automorphism type.

1. Introduction

Throughout this paper denotes an associative ring but does not necessarily have an identity element and an automorphism of , unless otherwise stated. We denote by the skew polynomial rings of automorphism type whose elements are polynomials , , for every , with usual addition and the following multiplication: for all .

A ring is said to be a Jacobson ring if every prime ideal of is an intersection of (either left or right) primitive ideals of . In [1], Smoktunowicz proved that if is a nil ring and an ideal of , then is Jacobson radical if and only if is Jacobson radical, where is the ideal of generated by coefficients of polynomial from . Also if is a nil ring and is a primitive ideal of , then for some ideal of and affirmative answer to this question is equivalent to the Köthe conjecture. Our main results state that if is a nil ring and an ideal of , then is -Jacobson radical if and only if is -Jacobson radical, where is the ideal of generated by coefficients of polynomial from . Also if is a nil ring and is a -primitive ideal of , then for some ideal of . This result includes, as particular cases, all the above results.

Now we recall some terminology and results; see [24]. A right ideal of a ring is called modular in if and only if there exists an element such that for every . An ideal of a ring is said to be a -invariant if and only if . An ideal of is said to be a right -primitive in if and only if there exists a modular maximal right ideal -invariant of such that is the maximal ideal contained in . For , denotes the degree of and the leading coefficient of .

2. Results

We begin with the following results that extend ([1, Lemma  1]) and the proof is also similar to the one in the paper.

Lemma 1. Let be a ring, a right ideal of , , a right ideal of , and such that for every . If , then, for every , there are such that and .

Proof. We proceed by induction on . If , we put . Suppose the lemma holds for some . Let with and . Consider Since , then , . Thus

We denote by the usual extension of to a ring with identity and by again the natural extension of to .

The next lemma extends ([1, Lemma  2]).

Lemma 2. Let be an ideal of with and a right ideal of with . Consider , , and (i)If , , and , then there exists such that and .(ii)Let be a right ideal of , such that for every , and . If with , , and , where , then, for every , there exists such that and .

Proof. (i) Let , , and . We can write Then Hence with , , , and . Put Therefore Since and , then and .
(ii) By Lemma 1, for every , there exists such that Consider For every denote Note that ; thus for every Hence Because and , then . We have that, for every , there exists such that . If , then is the required. If , by first part of this lemma, there exists such that and . Thus for all . If , then is the required. If , using similar arguments as above, we can find such that with and for every . Hence is the required.

Let , a right ideal of , , and such that for all . Following [1] we have the following. We say that is a “good number for ,” if, for all sufficiently large , there are such that with . Let ; we denote

Lemma 3. Let be a right ideal of maximal in the set of all right ideals -invariants with such that for all . Suppose with for some . If there is no right ideal of with , , and , then there exists a positive integer and such that if with , , and , then , , and is a good number for all .

Proof. Let be minimal positive integer such that there exists and with and . It is clear that . If , put and Thus is a right ideal of with and . By assumption , then , where and . Put Comparing the leading coefficients of and , we have that which contradicts the minimality of . Therefore ; consequently .
Suppose that for some . Put ; using similar arguments as above we can have a contradiction. Hence .
If there exists with , , and , then using similar arguments as above we can show that and . Moreover, if , put ; we have that is a right ideal of with and .
By assumption . Thus , where , , and . Therefore . Consequently is a good number for all .

Lemma 4. Let be a right ideal with , , and such that for all sufficiently large there are such that and , where is a right ideal of and such that for every . Then there exists a positive integer and such that if with , , and one has that , , and is a good number for all .

Proof. Let be minimal positive integer such that for all sufficiently large there are such that and . Put with , , and . By Lemma 1 and minimality of we have that . Using the same ideas of Lemma 3, we have that and . Since , we have that the first part of lemma is satisfied.
Let ; we denote by the right ideal of : For sufficiently large there are such that and . Put For every we have that , where and . Consequently Since , we can write Put ; thus . Therefore is a good number for all .

Lemma 5. Let be a right ideal of , , such that for all and is good number for all , where . Assume that for every with , , and one has that and . If there are and with then is a good number for .

Proof. Since is a good number for and , then for every sufficiently large there are and such that with , . Consider Since , thena contradiction.
Thus there exists sufficiently large such that ; hence is a good number for . Then for all sufficiently large there are such that and . We denote Consider Since , then . Moreover Consequently is a good number for .

The following theorem extends ([1, Theorem  1]).

Theorem 6. Let be a nil ring and let be a -primitive ideal in . Then , where is an ideal -invariant of .

Proof. Assume by contradiction that there are with Since is a -primitive ideal in , there is a right ideal of with and such that for all . Moreover is a maximal in the set of right ideals -invariants and is the maximal ideal contained in . We have that ; otherwise , which is impossible because is a nil ring. By definition of it follows that .
If for some with , then . In fact, if , let be the minimal positive integer with respect to . Thus . Then ; hence . Consequently , a contradiction.
Let be a right ideal of with and . We have that . There exists such that . Consider Since is an ideal -prime and , then . Consequently , because is the maximal ideal contained in . Then . There exists such that . By Lemma 2, for every , there are such that and . Lemmas 3 and 4 imply that there are and such that if with , , and , then and . Moreover is a good number for all . Let be minimal such that is a good number for all . We have that . Let . Since is a good number for , then for sufficiently large there are , such that Consider , then and . For some , there are , , such that , , and . Put where and . Since , then . Moreover, Since is a nil ring, consider , where is a minimal with respect to the condition . Thus for all . We have that Put . Thus, for every . Since , if is not a good number for , then Lemma 5 implies thatIn this case, there exists such that . Consequently , , and . Then . Therefore is a good number for . Then for sufficiently large there are , such that LetSince , , and , then . Thus ; hence for every .
Let We have that . Thus . Put We can write as Thus for all sufficient large Then is a good number for all . This contradicts the minimality of .

Recall that the -Jacobson radical of a ring is defined as the intersection of all -primitive ideals of . A ring is a -Jacobson radical if .

Theorem 7. Let be a nil ring and let be an ideal of . Consider the ideal of generated by coefficients of polynomial from . Then is -Jacobson radical if and only if is -Jacobson radical.

Proof. Assume by contradiction that is not -Jacobson radical. Then there is a -primitive ideal of such that . We have that there is an ideal of such that . Therefore is a -primitive ideal of . By Theorem 6, there is an ideal of such that . It is clear that . Since then is a -primitive ideal, a contradiction. Using the fact that , the converse follows.

Corollary 8. If is a nil ring, then the polynomial ring of type automorphism can not be homomorphically mapped onto a -simple -primitive ring.

Competing Interests

The author declares that they have no competing interests.