Research Article

Depressive Symptomatology in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Renal Insufficiency Undergoing Chronic Dialysis

Table 5

Modified Scale of Birleson and frequency of symptoms of the 67 patients; it is presented as an original sample, and it has been literally translated in order to have a better understanding of depressive symptomatology. Always have a score of 2, sometimes of 1, and never of 0.

QuestionsEquivalent in English%

(1) Las cosas me gustan, me interesan como antesI like and am still interested in the same things as before
(2) Duermo muy bienI sleep well
(3) Me dan ganas de llorarI feel like crying
(4) Para adolescentes: me gustan salir com amigos. Para niƱos: me gusta salir a jugarFor adolescents: I like going out with my friends. For children: I like going out to play
(5) Me gustaria escapar, salir corriendoI would like to run away
(6) Me duele la barriga, cabeza y otros sĆ­tios de mi cuerpoMy stomach and my head hurt, as well as other parts of my body
(7) Tengo ganas para hacer las cosasI have a desire to do things
(8) Disfruto de la comidaI enjoy eating food
(9) Puedo defenderme por mi mismoI am able to defend myself
(10) Pienso que no vale la pena vivirI feel that life is not worth living
(11) Soy bueno para las cosas que hagoI am good at the things I do
(12) Me molesto y me irrito por cualquier cosaI feel bothered and irritated with everything
(13) Disfruto lo que hago tanto como lo hacia antesI still enjoy doing things as I did before
(14) Me he vuelto olvidadizo y distraĆ­doI have become forgetful and listless
(15) Tengo sueƱos horriblesI have nightmares
(16) Pienso que haga lo que haga no lograre conseguir lo que deseo o que las cosas no van a cambiarI think that it does not matter what I do; I will never be able to accomplish the things I want to accomplish; things are never going to change
(17) Me siento muy soloI feel very lonely
(18) Puedo alegrarme facilmenteI become happy easily
(19) Me siento tan triste que me cuesta trabajo soportarloI feel so sad that I can hardly stand it
(20) Me siento muy aburridoI feel very bored
(21) Pienso muy serio en la muerte o en matarmeI seriously think about death and killing myself
