Research Article

Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials on Androgens versus Erythropoietin for Anaemia of Chronic Kidney Disease: Implications for Developing Countries

Table 4

Change in blood pressure requiring adjustment of antihypertensives.

Study or subgroupAndrogenErythropoietinMean difference Mean difference
Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, random, 95% CI M-H, random, 95% CI

Aggarwal et al. [6]01531533.8%0.14 [0.01, 2.55]580437.fig.005
Navarro et al. [4]11341466.2%0.27 [0.03, 2.11]
Total (95% CI)2829100.0%0.22 [0.04, 1.16]
Total events17
Heterogeneity: tau2 = 0.00; chi2 = 0.13; df = 1 (P = 0.72); = 0%.
Test for overall effect: Z = 1.79 (P = 0.07).