Clinical Study

Cystatin C-Based Evaluation of Kidney Function of HIV-Infected Children in Benin City, Southern Nigeria

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of all study participants.

CharacteristicsHIV-infected children, (%)Controls,
Test ( ) value

Age (years)
 Less than 5 years106 (51.7)107 (52.2)0.009811.000a
 ≥5 years99 (48.3)98 (47.8)
 Mean age 0.844080.401b
 Male98 (47.8)98 (47.8)0.0011.000a
 Female107 (52.2)107 (52.2)
 Upper class11 (5.40)31 (14.6)10.7720.005c*
 Middle class83 (40.50)78 (38.0)
 Lower class111 (54.10)96 (47.30)
 Mean ± SD (kg) −1.3274080.171b
 WAZ −1.015−0.20 13043.50.000d*
 Mean ± SD (m) 0.0124080.991b
 HAZ−0.65 0.0215159.50.000d*
Body mass index
 Mean ± SD (kg/m2) 2.2654080.024b*
 BMI z −0.830.4017221.00.002d*
Blood pressure
 Mean ± SD (mmHg) 0.74824080.4548b

WAZ: weight for age score; HAZ: height for age score; BMI z: body mass index score; SEC: socioeconomic class; aFishers exact test; bstudent test; cPearson chi-square; dMann-Whitney test; *significant at .