Research Article

Complex Monitoring of Biochemical and Radionuclide Parameters in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma during Immunotherapy

Figure 1

An automated workstation implementing the SENS-CRS technology on a personal computer by processing CRS DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) files generated by a modern dual-detector gamma camera. In the upper band a set of tool icons is used in the workstation in the analysis of data of functional radionuclide studies of the kidneys. In the left part there is a set of zones of interest (an interphase in Russian language), selected on scintigraphic images of the kidneys and urinary tract according to the SENS-CRS technology. The curves obtained from the automated workstation represent the dynamics of the concentration of urine labeled with a nephrotropic radiopharmaceutical agent (99mTc-MAG3) in the structures of the left (L) kidney: the group of small upper calicles, the big upper calicles, the pelvis, and the ureter (delay of labeled urine in the middle third). Scintigrams on the right: top, image of the urinary system in the front projection; bottom, in the back projection. At the top there is a color scale (the red color corresponds to the maximum score on scintigrams). In a separate window (in the center): results of a quantitative estimation on original algorithms of function parameters of urinary system are shown.