Review Article

Deep Level Saturation Spectroscopy

Figure 13

Calculation results for a kinetic of DLSS signals (a) and of the centers population (b) by (33) (or PL by (35)) at the two-photon excitation. (a) 1 and 2: Δα( ) for the independently proceeding processes of σ- and γ-DLSS, accordingly; 3: induced absorption kinetics at joint action of σ- and γ-DLSS. (b) A kinetic of centers population at the different intensities of modulation: ; 3; 6; 10; 18 MW/cm2 for curves 1–5, accordingly. : concentration, : initial population of DL. Dotted line: envelope of a modulation pulse (19). Parameters of CdS are used [24, 29]: 4; 10−9 cm3/s; ( ) = 10−16 cm2;  cm/MW;  ns.