Research Article

“Down the Language Rabbit Hole with Alice”: A Case Study of a Deaf Girl with a Cochlear Implant

Box 2

Story Excerpt no.2: Story Told in Spoken English Only
Ann: I am going to read the story. We are going to talk about the story.
Points to picture. Who is this? Who is that?
Ann: Is she old? Is she young?
Faye: OLD/old, YOUNG/young. Uses sign-supported speech. Is she old or young?
(using speech to focus on specific words….)
Faye and Ann: repeat the word, old, old, old (uses speech to reinforce speech sound)
Faye: OLD/old OLD (uses sign to support speech for single word)
ALICE: old
Ann: That’s right (uses speech to affirm correct answer)….
Ann: Points to page in book. What do we have on this page? (uses speech with visual picture clue to ask question)…
Faye: What is that?
Faye: What are they, BAILEY? (uses speech to ask questions and label pictures)
Ann: Bee says bzzzzzz. (using speech to label sound of insect, bee).
BAILEY and ALICE: bzzzz
Ann: There was an old lady who swallowed a fly? What did she swallow? (she points to the picture of the fly).
Repeats spider, spider
Ann: There was an old lady who swallowed a spider. ALICE, what did she swallow?
ALICE: Spider (uses speech to answer questions)
Faye: What was it BAILEY?
BAILEY: Spider (uses speech without the sign)