Clinical Study

Long-Term Effect of Enzyme Replacement Therapy with Fabry Disease

Table 2

Criteria for improvement. In Japan, outcome of therapy has been classified as follows.

(1) Healing(1) When hearing level at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz returned to less than 20 dB.
(2) When hearing level returned to the same as that in the other side.
(2) Marked
When the value of the arithmetic means of the hearing levels at the five above-mentioned frequencies was greater than 30 dB.
(3) RecoveryWhen the value of the arithmetic means of the hearing levels at the five above-mentioned frequencies was less than 30 dB and greater than 10 dB.
(4) UnchangeableWhen the value of the arithmetic means of the hearing levels at the five above-mentioned frequencies was less than 10 dB. (Including exacerbation)