Research Article

Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy Identification of Adenoid Regrowth in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Table 2

Adenoid characteristics.


Initial adenoidectomy technique
 Suction electrocautery4783.9
Initial surgery
 Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy4783.9
Preoperative adenoid size (mean ± 95% CI)2.55 ± 0.24
 Grade 0; 0%00
 Grade 1; <40%713.5
 Grade 2: 41%–70%2140.4
 Grade 3; 71%–90%1834.6
 Grade 4; 91%–100%1019.2
Postoperative adenoid size by DISE (mean ± 95% CI)1.64 ± 0.33
 Grade 0; 0%1119.6
 Grade 1; <40%2035.7
 Grade 2; 41%–70%916.1
 Grade 3; 71%–90%1017.9
 Grade 4; 91%–100%610.7
Regrowth as determined by DISE2544.6
# undergoing revision adenoidectomy3257.1

DISE, drug induced sleep endoscopy; CI, confidence interval.