Research Article

A Rapid Method of Assessing the Photocatalytic Activity of Thin Films Using an Ink Based on the Redox Dye 2,6-Dichloroindophenol

Figure 2

(a) The spectral shape obtained for a standard DCIP ink cast on the surface of Activ, and the subsequent changes (from top to bottom) in this spectral shape as the sample is irradiated with UVA light at an intensity of ca. 4.8 mW cm−2. Spectra were recorded at 30-second intervals. (b) The change in the absorbance at (629 nm) with UVA irradiation of a DCIP ink, based on the data presented in Figure 2(a). (c) The reduction, and subsequent recovery, of a DCIP ink on the surface of Activ at 629 nm. The reduction conditions were similar to those detailed previously in Figure 2(a), whereas the ink recovery was monitored in the dark with spectra recorded at 1 hour intervals.