Research Article

TiO2 and TiO2-Doped Films Able to Kill Bacteria by Contact: New Evidence for the Dynamics of Bacterial Inactivation in the Dark and under Light Irradiation

Figure 5

Shift of the stretching vibrations as a function of time detected by ATR-FTIR for the asymmetric (CH2) vibrational bands and the symmetric (CH2) vibrational bands for E. coli up to 60 min under solar simulated irradiation. (a) and (b) show the shifts of (CH2) vibrational bands on PE-TiO2 samples pretreated with RF air plasma for 15 min and then sputtered for 8 min. (c) and (d) show the IR shifts of (CH2) vibrational bands on nonpretreated PE-sputtered for 8 min.