Research Article

ZnSnS3: Structure Prediction, Ferroelectricity, and Solar Cell Applications

Table 1

The predicted most stable structures of ZnSnS3 at atmospheric pressure. The space groups that describe the symmetry of the structures, the lattice constants (in Å), the angles between the lattice vectors (in degrees), and the relative energies per atom (in eV) are shown. For ease of comparison, the energy per atom of the most stable structure is set equal to zero.

Space group (number) Lattice constants (Å) and angles (degrees)Energy/atom (eV)

P21 (4), , , , 0.000
R-3 (148), 0.040
R3c (161), 0.068
P63/m (176), , , 0.074
R32 (155), 0.089
P63 (173), , , 0.100
Cc (9), , , 0.145
P63mc (186), , , 0.154
R-3c (167), 0.155