Research Article

Outdoor Performance Assessment of New and Old Photovoltaic Panel Technologies Using a Designed Multi-Photovoltaic Panel Power Measurement System

Table 8

Adjusted values for tests for multiple comparisons among all PV panels.

IndexHypothesisNemenyi [45]Holm [46]Shaffer [47]Bergmann [48]

1Mono-new vs. CdTe-old
2Mono-new vs. CIS-old
3Poly-new vs. mono-new
4Poly-new vs. poly-old0.0012
5Mono-old vs. CIS-new0.05210.06340.06420.0586
6CdTe-new vs. CIS-new0.07030.08620.09650.7574
7Poly-new vs. mono-new0.21920.31310.31310.2342
8CIS-new vs. poly-new0.29160.31310.31310.3120
9CdTe-old vs. CIS-old18.4951.32101.32101.3210
10CdTe-new vs. mono-old21.5511.32101.32101.3210