Review Article

Pain in Children: Assessment and Nonpharmacological Management

Table 1

Pain assessment scales.

AgesScalesDescription/indicatorsWebsites and referencesValidity

Preterm to full-term infantsPremature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP)Gestational age, behavioral state before painful stimulus, change in heart rate during stimulus, change in oxygen saturation, brow bulge, eye squeeze nasolabial furrow et al., [14, 86]

Preterm to full-term infantsNeonatal Facial Coding System (NFCS)Brow bulge, eye squeeze, nasolabial furrow, open lips, stretched mouth (horizontal or vertical), lip purse, tout tongue, and chin quiver et al., [18]

Preterm to full-term infantsNeonatal Infant Pain scale (NIPS)Face, cry, breathing pattern, arms, legs, and state of arousal et al., [20]

32–60 weeksCrying Requires Increased vital signs Expression Sleeplessness (CRIES)Crying, increased oxygen requirements, expression, vitals signs, sleeping and Bildner, [15]

InfantsMaximally discriminate facial movement coding system (MAX)Brow, eye, and mouth movementIzard C. Maximally Discriminate Facial Coding System,1983Izard [23]

1–7 yearsChidren’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale (CHEOPS)Cry, facial, child verbal, torso, touch, legs et al., [28]

Infancy to 7 yearsThe Faces Legs Activity Cry Consolability Scale (FLACC)Face, legs, activity, cry, and consolability et al., [29]

1–4 yearsObservational Pain ScaleFacial expression, cry, breathing, torso, arms and fingers, legs and toes, and states of arousal der Loo et al., [38]

1–5 yearsToddler-Preschooler Postoperative Pain Scale (TPPPS)Vocal pain expression, facial pain expression, bodily pain expression et al., [40]

1–6 yearsChild Facial Coding System (CFCS)Facial actions: brow lower, squint, eye squeeze, blink, flared nostril, nose wrinkle, nasolabial furrow, cheek raiser, open lips, upper lip raise, lip corner puller, vertical mouth stretch, and horizontal mouth stretch.Manual: Pediatric Pain-Science Helping Children, IWK Grace Health Centre, Dalhousie University & the University of British Columbia C.T. (copyright 1996)Gilbert et al., [47]

3–7 yearsCOMFORT ScaleCalmness/agitation, respiratory response, physical movement, blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tone, and facial tension 1990 [31]

3 yearsFaces Pain ScalePain intensity Faces correspond to pain intensity, and Baker, [51], Hicks et al., [45]

3–13 yearsThe Observational Scale of behavioral Distress (OSBD)Eleven behaviors related to pain and/or anxietyElliot 1987 [34], Tucker et al., [35]

4–13 yearsPoker Chip ToolPain intensity Poker chips represent “pieces of pain” et al., [49]

5 yearsOucher ScalePain intensityFaces correspond to pain intensity et al., [56]

7 yearsVisual Analogue Scale (VAS)Pain intensity (numeric, color)

8–17 yearsPediatric Pain QuestionnaireInformation seeking, problem solving, seeking social support, positive self-statements, behavioral distraction, cognitive distraction, externalizing, internalizing/ et al., [58]

8–17 yearsAdolescent Pediatric Pain Tool (APPT)Intensity, location, and quality of painSavedra et al., [59]

12 yearsMcGill Pain QuestionnaireSensory and affective pain experience, [68]