Clinical Study

Features and Outcomes In Utero and after Birth of Fetuses with Myocardial Disease

Table 2

Data of cases with HCM.

Type .W.g. at dg.Assoc. ECAs/ other conditionsHeart failureArrh.Ther. in uteroOutcome in utero—w.g.
TP IUD Delivery
Total death of cases continuing pregn.Alive/age

“Idiop.”175 familial history 1 lost
11 delivered at 31-38 w.g.
1–38 d (met.dis)2/16 with known f-up = 125%14 alive at 2–14 yrs:
3 worsened—1 Tx at 2 m;
1 operated at 3 yrs
for LVOT-mitral
tissue obstruction;
1 needing betablockers;
5 unchanged
6 improved at 3 m–1 yr.
12 no familial history 1 prem. born at 28 w.g. died at 15 d.

Secondary to ECA2617–30 Median 2216 renal,
3 CNS,
7 (skeletal anom.,
Thomas s.,
Noonan s.)
3 (mild-moder.)8 TP,
6 IUD at 23–30 w.g.,
12 delivered at 28–37 w.g.
7 (1–35 d)13/18 = 72.2%5 alive, regressed

Secondary to maternal diabetes1727–3712 pregest., 5 gest.1 (mild)1 flutter 17 delivered at 37–39 w.g.2 (2 d, 4 m)2/17 = 11.8%15 alive, normalized at 3–6 m

HCM total6017–394 (6.7%)118 TP,
6 IUD,
1 lost,
45 delivered
11/51 with known f-up = 21.6%17/51 with known f-up = 33.3%34 alive,
2 worsened,
6 unchanged,
26 improved/normalized

Idiop.: idiopathic, n.: number, w.g.: weeks’ gestation, dg.: diagnosis, ECAs: extracardiac anomalies, anom.: anomalies, CNS: central nervous system, s.: syndrome, arrh.: arrhythmias, SVT: supraventricular tachycardia, ther.: therapy, dig.: digoxin, TP: termination of pregnancy, IUD: intrauterine death, d: day, m: month, yr: year, s.: syndrome, met.dis.: metabolic disease, prem.: premature, gest.: gestational, pregest.: pregestational, moder.: moderate, f-up: follow-up, Tx: heart transplant, and LVOT: left ventricular outflow tract.