Research Article

Play and Be Happy? Leisure Participation and Quality of Life in School-Aged Children with Cerebral Palsy

Table 3

Mean scores of domains of participation in leisure activities as assessed by the CAPE.

Domain of participation Diversity mean (range)Frequency mean (range)Enjoyment mean (range)

Recreational activities9.34 (5–12)4.10 (1.6–6)4.28 (2.9–5.1)
Active physical activities3.03 (0–7)1.68 (0–4.33)4.49 (2.6–5.3)
Social activities6.87 (4–9)3.12 (1.5–4.7)4.37 (2.7–5.3)
Skill-based activities2.8 (0–6)1.45 (0–3.8)4.12 (1–5)
Self-improvement activities5.58 (1–9)2.82 (0.6–5.6)3.5 (1.5–5)

Formal activities3.87 (0–9)1.28 (0–3)4.06 (0–5)
Informal activities23.77 (13–31)3.3 (1.8–4.8)4.16 (3–5)

Scoring: Diversity (number of different activities) = number of activities involved in compared to total number of activities. Intensity (how often) = (1) 1x/4 months, (2) 2x/4 months, (3) 1x/month, (4) 2-3x/month, (5) f1x/week, (6) 2-3x/week, (7) daily. Enjoyment (how much do you enjoy) = (1) not at all, (2) somewhat, sort of, (3) pretty much, (4) very much, (5) love it.