Research Article

Assessing Latent Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure on Growth and Risk of Cardiometabolic Disease in Late Adolescence: Design and Methods

Table 3

Miami Prenatal Cocaine Study multidomain assessments from preschool to early adolescence.

3-year exam5-year exam7-year exam12-year exam (2 days)

Development, cognition, and achievement

McCarthy Scales of
Children’s Abilities [17]
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) [18]
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales [19]
Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration [20]
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-3rd Edition (WISC-III) [21]
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) [22]
WIAT-II [23]
Guide to Assessment of Test Session Behavior (GATSB) [24]


CELF-P [25]
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-R [26]
Behavioral Audiology
CELF-P [25]
Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Ability—Auditory Processing [27]
CELF-3 [28]
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing [29]
SCAN-A [30]

Neuropsychological functioning

NEPSY: a developmental neuropsychological assessment (domains: attention/executive function, language, sensorimotor, visuospatial, and memory) [31]
NEPSY (tower, visual and auditory attention, visuomotor) [31]
Wisconsin Card Sort [32]
Stroop Color Word Test [33]
Trail Making Tests, A and B [34]
Rey-Osterrieth [35]
WRAML (memory) [36]; verbal fluency (FAS) [37]
Finger tapping [38]; Grooved pegboard [39]

Behavioral health

Child measures  
Exploratory Box [40]
Mastery Motivation [41]
Tester Behavior Ratings
Child measures  
Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) [42]
Delay Task [43]
Tester Behavior Ratings
Child measures  
Conners CPT (attention) [44]
Tester Behavior Ratings
Child measures  
IVA CPT (attention) [45]
Tester Behavior Ratings
Achenbach Youth Self-Report (YSR) [46]
Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) [47]
Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS) [48]
DISC Predictive Scales (DPS) [49]
ADHD Tester Behavior Observation
  Caregiver report  
Achenbach CBCL 2/3 [50]
Conners ADHD Rating [51]
  Caregiver report  
Achenbach CBCL 4/18-Parent [52]
Computerized Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (C-DISC) [53]
Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB-R) [54]
  Caregiver report  
Diagnostic Inventory for Children and Adolescents (DICA) v.4 [55]
Achenbach CBCL-Parent [52]
Caregiver report  
DICA-4 [55]
Achenbach CBCL-Parent [52]
Adaptive Behavior Assessment Scale (ABAS) [56]
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) [57]
DISC Predictive Scales (DPS) [49]
Teacher report  
Achenbach Teacher Form (TRF) [46]
Social Skills Rating System [58]
BRIEF [57]
Communities That Care Youth Survey (Drug Use/Risks) [62]
Adolescent Sexual Activity Index [64]

Parent child interaction

Free play & toy pick-up [59]
Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (H.O.M.E.) [60]
The Teaching Tasks [59]

Child risk factors

Things I Have Seen and Heard: A Violence Exposure Interview [61]Things I Have Seen and Heard [61]
“What’s Happening?” Interview [63]
Sensation Seeking Scale [64]