Research Article

Risks to Early Childhood Health and Development in the Postconflict Transition of Northern Uganda

Table 2

Demographics of participants.

LeadersPrimary female caregiversFathersEldersSibling caregivers

Age range20 to 68 years16 to 72 years (included grandmothers caring for orphans)22 to 64 years42 to 92 years4 to 15 years
Sex28 male
23 female
ā€”ā€”8 male
14 female
6 male
23 female
Highest level of education achievedNo formal education to graduate level training18 no formal education
17 primary
23 primary
1 senior
1 postsecondary diploma
15 none
5 primary
2 senior
5 none (some too young)
24 primary (some not currently in school due to poverty)
LivelihoodLeadership positions described above and/or farming (particularly for LCs and traditional leaders)Farming either in own land or for others for food or money and/or small-scale trade/ businessFarmersFarming, small business, receiving aid, or supported by family
Marital status 23 married or living together
12 separated or widowed
All married or living together
(1 to 4 wives)
10 married
11 widowed
1 separated
Number of children range 1 to 8 children
(9 were caring for orphans)
3 to 14 (including biological and orphans)4 to 11 including biological and orphansMost caring for 1 to 2 charges
Current residence 14 in camp
3 living both in camp and in village
16 in village
10 in camp
5 in both camp and village
10 in village
8 in camp
14 village
14 in camp
15 village (most were born in camps or came in early infancy)