Research Article

Knowledge about Epilepsy and Attitudes toward Students with Epilepsy among Middle and High School Teachers in Kuwait

Table 4

Association of knowledge score about epilepsy with sociodemographic characteristics and teaching experience of teachers.

CharacteristicKnowledge score
(Out of 13)

Sociodemographic characteristics
Age, years0.087
Marital status0.770
Number of children0.798
Highest level of education0.550
 Intermediate diploma5(0–11)
 University bachelor 5(0–12)
 High degree (M.S., Ph.D.)5(0–9)

Teaching experience
 Senior teacher6(0–10)
 Vice principle/principle6(3–9)
Number of years working as a teacher0.042

values were generated using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test for comparing two groups and Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance test for more than two groups.