Research Article

Kerosene Oil Poisoning among Children in Rural Sri Lanka

Table 4

Analysis of proposed risk factors in case-control study.

Proposed risk factorCasesControlsOdds ratio 95% CI (OR) value

(1) Unsafe storage of household poisons 76 <0.001
(2) Inadequate supervision of the child 74 213.151.564.97 <0.001
(3) Inadequate house space 41 94.022.965.22 <0.001
(4) Lack of family support 38 122.141.883.36 <0.001
(5) Subjective economic problems in the family 49 210.570.390.79 <0.001
(6) Lack of schooling/education in mother 17 33.321.287.46 <0.001
(7) Young mother (<19 years) 9 71.380.512.1 >0.05
(8) Children with deprived schooling 2 11.220.871.45 >0.05
(9) Past history of poisoning 4 50.960.641.42 >0.05
(10) Employed mother 24 260.930.041.66 >0.05
(11) Farming parents 22 280.760.141.21 >0.05