Research Article

Growth and Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Preterm LBW Infants with Sepsis in India: A Prospective Cohort

Table 1

(a) Baseline variables of the studied patients


Mean gestation (weeks)30.76 (SD ± 2.03)
Singleton77 (81.91%)
Primi (refers to first gestation)42 (44.68%)
APH05 (05.30%)
Maternal diabetes09 (09.59%)
Maternal hypertension61 (64.89%)
Maternal hypothyroid16 (17.02%)
Maternal rupture of membranes19 (20.21%)
Oligohydramnios27 (28.72)%
Steroid covered81 (86.17%)
Caesarian section81 (86.17%)
Preterm labor21 (22.34%)
IUGR17 (18.08%)

APH: antepartum hemorrhage; IUGR: intrauterine growth retardation.
(b) Baseline variables of the neonatal data


Median birth weight (grams)1883 (IQR 1560–2360)
Median head circumference at birth (cm)28.5 (IQR 26–31)
Median length at birth (cm)37.69 (IQR 34–40)
Sex males48 (51%)
HMD55 (58.51%)
CPAP54 (57.44%)
Ventilation21 (22.34%)
Sepsis40 (42.55%)
Culture positive sepsis24 (25.53%)
Screen positive sepsis16 (17.02%)
NEC19 (20.21%)
Shock48 (51.06%)
Seizure8 (8.5%)
Hypoglycemia9 (9.57%)
Apnea14 (14.89%)
Anemia transfusion14 (14.89%)
PDA11 (11.72%)

BPD: bronchopulmonary dysplasia; PDA: Patent Ductus Arteriosus; NEC: necrotizing enterocolitis; HFO: high frequency oscillatory ventilation; SIMV: synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation; HMD: hyaline membrane disease; CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure.
(c) Baseline variables of infants at the time of discharge

VariableTotal ()

Days to full feeds median (days)7.88 (SD ± 3.11)
Duration of hospital stay (days)17.67 (SD ± 10.63)
Discharge weight (grams)1999 (SD ± 114)
Discharge head circumference (cm)29.51 (SD ± 1.72)
Discharge length (cm)39.15 (SD ± 1.80)
ROP17 (18.08%)
ROP with LASER4 (4.25%)
Abnormal BERA12 (12.76%)
Abnormal NSG30 (31.91%)

ROP: Retinopathy of Prematurity.