Research Article

Attitudes towards Donor Breast Milk in an Inner City Population

Table 1

Donor Breast Milk Questionnaire.

(1) Have you heard about the availability of donor breast milk? Y/N
(2) If you do not have enough breast milk, donor breast milk is a better option for your baby than formula. Select the best option. Y/N
ā€ƒ(a) Why do you prefer formula instead of donor milk? (free text)
(3) If you had to choose donor breast milk, which donor would you select? Relative/friend or Milk Bank
(4) If Donor Breast Milk was available for your baby, do you think you would stop pumping your own milk: Y/N
(5) Donor breast milk contains more nutrients than formula milk. Y/N
(6) Breast milk donation bank in the USA is safe and trustworthy. Y/N
(7) Donor breast milk may transmit infection(s)/disease(s) from the donor to your baby. Y/N
(8) Donor breast milk provides some immunological benefits (immunity/resistance to infections) that can reduce the rate of infections Y/N
(9) Donor breast milk may increase the risk of infants having allergy. Y/N
(10) Overall, Donor breast milk has more benefits than disadvantages? Y/N
(11) Would your attitude toward Donor breast milk be changed, if you learn more about Donor breast milk? Y/N