Research Article

Paediatric Contacts of Adult COVID-19 Patients: Clinical Parameters, Risk Factors, and Outcome

Table 1

Characteristics of the adult index cases with COVID-19.

CharacteristicsNumber (%) of cases value1

Socioeconomic status≤0.001
 Poor (<Rs20,000/month)1
 Lower middle class (Rs20,000-50,000/month)47
 Upper middle class (Rs50,000-100000/month)42
 Upper class (>Rs100000/month)10
 Rawalpindi area21
Characteristics according to gender
 Discharged from hospital, n (%)57 (85%)29 (88%)ns
 Expired, (%)10 (15%)4 (12%)
 Number of contacts number of index cases per contact (total number of contacts) (0) (0)
(18) (5)
(30) (8)
(12) (12)
(16) (8)
 Number of contacts per index case1.131.840.03

: number; ns: not significant. 1Chi-square tests for categorical variables, independent sample -test for numerical variables. The value indicates significant difference with respect to gender and socioeconomic status of the adult index cases. In the lower section, the value indicates difference between male and female index cases with respect to mortality, and number of contacts per index case.