Methodology Report

Reproducible RNA Preparation from Sugarcane and Citrus for Functional Genomic Applications

Figure 2

Assessment of the integrity of total RNA isolated by the TENS-PCI method from sugarcane stem tissues of plants treated with stress-regulated hormones, using chip-based electrophoretic separation with a bioanalyzer. A total of 100 ng of RNA was loaded per well. Representative RNA profiles corresponding to stem tissues of plants after treatment with SA (5 mM) or MeJA (100  M) at 0, 24, and 48 hours (h) are shown. Gel-like images of RNA from each treatment, generated from the RNA profiles, are included for clarity on the right side. SS and LS represent the small and large ribosomal subunits, respectively. Numeric values represent mean and standard error of two biological replicates and at least three technical repeats.