Research Article

Mapping Heat Health Risks in Urban Areas

Table 1

ICD-10 codes used in selection of data from the *Victorian Admitted Episodes Dataset (VAED).

Disease category ICD-10 codes

Circulatory systemI00-I79, I95, I97, I99
Endocrine E00-07, E09-14, E20-35, E66, E84, E86-87
Respiratory J00-84, J96-98
Mental health/behaviourF00-99
Chronic renal diseaseN00-N39
Diseases of nervous systemG00-09, G10-13, G20-26, G30-32, G35-37, G40, G41, G43, G44, G45, G70-73, G80-83
Neoplasm C00-96
Other disease X30, X32, T67, L55-56, and R50.9

*The VAED comprises a minimum data set containing (deidentified) demographic, administrative, and clinical data. The VAED is audited internally every two years and has a published error rate of 0.9% [27].