Research Article

Impact of Education on Fertility: Evidence from a Tribal Society in Assam, India

Table 1

Independent variables of the regression models and their unit of measurement.

Model numberIndependent variables (with label)Unit of measurement

1(i) Female age at marriage (AM)(i) In years
(ii) Contraceptive use (CU)(ii) Dummy variable (1 = users; 0 = nonusers)
(iii) Duration of breast-feeding (BF)(iii) In months
(iv) Education of the wife (EW)(iv) Years of schooling completed
(v) Education of the husband (EH)(v) Years of schooling completed

2(i) Female age at marriage (AM)(i) In years
(ii) Contraceptive use (CU)(ii) Dummy variable (1 = users; 0 = nonusers)
(iii) Duration of breast-feeding (BF)(iii) In months
(iv) Education of the parents (EP)(iv) Dummy variable (1 = wife is more educated than husband; 0 = husband is equally educated to or more educated than the wife)

3(i) Female age at marriage (AM)(i) In years
(ii) Contraceptive use (CU)(ii) Dummy variable (1 = users; 0 = nonusers)
(iii) Duration of breast-feeding (BF)(iii) In months
(iv) Education of the wife (EW)(iv) Years of schooling completed
(v) Square of education of the wife (SEW)(v) Square of years of schooling completed
(vi) Education of the husband (EH)(vi) Years of schooling completed

Dependent variable: live births ever born (LBEB).