Research Article

iTRAQ-Based and Label-Free Proteomics Approaches for Studies of Human Adenovirus Infections

Figure 4

Comparison of iTRAQ-label-based versus label-free quantitations for virus-induced protein expression changes. The iTRAQ-label was based on PP and Sc+ quantitation software, while the label-free was based on PL and PF2 quantitation software. The threshold of listed proteins was set at 0.6  ratio cutoff and included quantified viral proteins detected in HAdV-B3-infected cells (a), HAdV-C5-infected cells (b), and quantified cellular proteins detected in HAdV-B3-infected cells (c). Names of HAdV-B3 proteins, most HAdV-C5 proteins and cellular proteins correspond to accession names used in the database, except pTP of HAdV-C5 which was obtained from NCBI database (uniprot database does not contain this protein sequence), denoted as (**). (*) indicates that no quantitation value was obtained.