Research Article

A Multicenter Trial Defining a Serum Protein Signature Associated with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

Table 3

Consensus signatures of antibodies based on the highest combined score from 10 backward elimination iterations. Shown within brackets is the individual antibody clone suffix (for markers targeted by multiple antibody clones).

PDAC versus NPCScorePDAC versus OPDScore

IL-11 (2)291.4MAPK1 (3)276.5
IL-6 (7)288.1C5 (2)273
Cystatin C (1)286.9TNFRSF3 (1)265.5
C1 inh. (3)279.2TNFRSF3 (2)260.9
Angiomotin (1)276UCHL5259.6
IL-13 (2)272.9IL-4 (3)258.7
IL-13 (3)270.7Factor B (3)258
CD40 (1)270.6Apo-A4 (3)257.5
HADH2 (3)270.4KSYK-1255.2
HADH2 (4)269.7Sox11A253.1
C1 inh. (4)269.4CD40L252.2
C1 inh. (2)269.2Apo-A1 (1)251.4
LDL (2)268.1CIMS (13)250.1
GAK (3)268BTK (2)246.1
C3 (1)266.1GM-CSF (5)245
CIMS (5)264.3TGF-β1 (2)239.5
C1q261.1PTP-1B (2)237.2
CD40 (4)259.6MCP-1 (7)235.1
IL-8 (2)259.4UPF3B (1)232.5
C5 (2)258.5C1 inh. (4)228.3
ATP-5B (3)257.1Sialyl Lewis x227.6
Factor B (4)256.2IL-3 (1)225.8
CIMS (10)253.6IL-9 (2)224.2
TNF-α (3)253.5HADH2 (2)222.7
Eotaxin (3)248.4IL-4 (4)222.4