Research Article

Immune Mediators in Osteoarthritis: Infrapatellar Fat Pad-Infiltrating CD8+ T Cells Are Increased in Osteoarthritic Patients with Higher Clinical Radiographic Grading

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of patient population.

Demographic dataAhlback classification system (Mean (SD)) value
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Age (years)70.11 (4.73)67.30 (9.24)70.36 (7.98)74.33 (7.51)0.43
Weight (kilograms)69.99 (11.63)68.28 (16.63)65.39 (10.21)61.17 (10.42)0.59
Height (centimeters)155.67 (6.32)154.91 (7.93)153.28 (7.14)157.00 (14.11)0.83
Body mass index (kg/m2)25.20 (4.87)28.39 (6.10)27.83 (4.02)24.71 (0.32)0.36
Body temperature (Celsius)36.12 (0.72)36.56 (0.41)36.40 (0.48)36.32 (0.16)0.16
Complete blood count
 Red blood cells (106/ul)4.59 (0.26)4.38 (0.49)4.47 (0.43)3.88 (0.47)0.11
 Platelet (103/uL)265.13 (38.00)262.07 (72.81)267.50 (51.37)236.67 (108.74)0.90
 White blood cells (103/uL)7.54 (2.74)6.15 (1.60)7.76 (1.76)7.03 (3.03)0.26
 Neutrophils (percent)59.89 (11.40)59.85 (9.10)62.45 (7.04)57.30 (16.19)0.84
 Lymphocytes (percent)29.25 (8.74)28.85 (7.30)27.21 (6.40)29.33 (12.66)0.94