Research Article

Hard Physical Work Intensifies the Occupational Consequence of Physician-Diagnosed Back Disorder: Prospective Cohort Study with Register Follow-Up among 10,000 Workers

Table 1

Description of the study population at baseline.

NMean (SD)%

Age, years954443.2 (11.8)
Physical activity at work
Physician-diagnosed back disorder
Back pain intensity
Psychosocial work factors (0–100)
 Emotional demands929544.2 (24.9)
 Influence at work923867.8 (23.9)
 Support from colleagues865773.2 (21.4)
 Support from leader887169.9 (25.6)
 No, never455749.0
Physical activity during leisure
BMI (kg⋅m−2)923325.3 (4.3)
Mental health (0–100)932681.1 (14.5)
Long-term sickness absence during follow-up