Research Article

A Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture with Compilation for High Performance

Algorithm 1

Placement frontend (simultaneous scheduling and mapping).
Input:  ReadyNodeSet, FreePESet, current schedule step S
Output:   MappedNodeSet
(1) for each in FreePESet  {CandidateNodeSet(PEi) = {empty};}
(2) for   each node n in ReadyNodeSet {
(3) CapablePESet(n) = all PE capable of the function of n;
(4) S_src1 = the time when n’s operand 1 is produced;
(5) L_src1 = the PE where n’s operand 1 is stored;
(6) S_src2 = the time when n’s operand 2 is produced;
(7) L_src2 = the PE where n’s operand 2 is stored;
//all PEs which can be reached within
//(S-S_src1) cycles from PE L_src1;
(8) RoutableSet1 = RoutableSet(L_src1, (S-S_src1));
//all PEs which can be reached within
//(S-S_src2) cycles from PE L_src2;
(9) RoutableSet2 = RoutableSet(L_src2, (S-S_src2));
(10) CandidatePESet = RoutableSet1 RoutableSet2
         FreePESet CapablePESet(n);
(11) for  each PEi in CandidatePESet{Add to CandidateNodeSet ;}
(13)MappedNodeSet = {empty};
(14)for  each in CandidatePESet{
(15) Sort all nodes in CandidateNodeSet according to criticality;
(16) M = most critical from CandidateNodeSet and
     M MappedNodeSet;
(17) Place on PEi at schedule step S;
(18) Insert into MappedNodeSet;
(19) Remove from ReadyNodeSet;
(20) }