Research Article

Redsharc: A Programming Model and On-Chip Network for Multi-Core Systems on a Programmable Chip

Table 2

Redsharc worker kernel’s API calls.

Worker’s API Call Description

void kernelEnd() Indicates kernel has completed its work
void streamPush(element *e, stream *s) Pushes e onto a stream s
void streamPushMulticast(element *e, stream *s) Pushes e to multiple streams
void streamPop(element *e, stream *s) Pops top element from s and stores value in e
void streamPeek(element *e, stream *s) Reads top element from s storing value in e
void blockWrite(element *e, int index, block *b) Writes e to b at index
void blockRead(element *e, int index, block *b) Reads index b and stores in e