Research Article

Design Patterns for Self-Adaptive RTE Systems Specification

Table 1

Adaptation concepts correspondence between the proposed patterns and the object tracking application.

Patterns feature Case study instance

Context elements Three magnitudes:
(i) application QoS (the tracking error);
(ii) execution time;
(iii) power consumption

Sensors Four observers:
(i) a task (T10);
(ii) SW timer of RTOS;
(iii) battery gauge component;
(iv) observer estimator

Adaptation period Configuration period ; that is, a new configuration is evaluated after each application iteration

Monitor + AnalyzerLocal configurationmanager (LCM)

Monitoring Thresholds, irregular statusQoS reference (the tracking maximum error) is set to 10% and reduced to 2% within the critical area to guarantee good reactivity. Task T10 provides the LCM with the application QoS metric (error between prediction and object position):
(i) a value close to 0 but lower than the reference (10%) means a very high tracking quality →it can be relaxed by reducing the application speed;
(ii) a value higher than the reference → the application rate must be increased with a faster configuration.

Adaptation request User requirements (e.g., QoS, power, and performance references) and magnitudes’ values

Decisionmaker(i) LCM for application specific algorithmic configuration decisions
(ii) Global ConfigurationManager (GCM) for global architectural configuration decisions

Decision strategy (i) LCM: algorithmic configuration selection using LCM rules; lists of configurations and transition rules based on tasks metrics.
(ii) GCM: selection of the closest solution below the user reference (QoS reference). A Borda vote is used in the case of multiple solutions.

Adaptation Plan Architectural configuration CID

Actor (refinement) A mask-based CID analysis

AdaptationAction Four cases result from the CID analysis:
(i) nothing to do;
(ii) requests to HAL to get new I/O information (physical addresses);
(iii) a reconfiguration message sent by a HW task to its legal representative (LR) to activate its SW implementation;
(iv) the LR directly intercepts the new CID and activates the SW task

Effector (i) HAL
(ii) HW task LR

Changeable elements Tasks

Assessor System stability and avoidance of reconfiguration

Performance Metrics(i) System stability: use of proportional integrator
(ii) Requests to HAL to get new I/O information (PI) regulator (coefficients: ) and a least mean square (LMS) observer (coefficient: )
(ii) Reconfiguration avoidance: use of a minimum delay Tk required to accept the reconfiguration overhead compared to expected benefits

Control Parameter Configuration space restriction