Review Article

Operating System Concepts for Reconfigurable Computing: Review and Survey

Table 1

Operating systems for reconfigurable computing and their implemented OS aspects.

ArchitectureApplication abstractionSchedulingCommunication/synchronizationExample/benchmark applicationsNote
Reconfigurable area styleInterconnectionSchedule creationhw-sw-interchangeablePreemptionReal time focus

OS4RS (2003) Islands NoC Task Run-time x Check-pointing x NoC-based
HThreads (2005) Static islands Bus PThread Design time x Memory mapped
BORPH (2007) Islands (FPGA) P2P Unix-process Run-time x Message passing (OS kernel) Signal and video processing Linux extension extends executable format
ReconOS (2007) Islands Bus Delegated PThread Run-time x x x Video object tracking Linux support
CAP-OS (2010) Islands NoC Task Run-time x x NoC-basedImage processing
R3TOS (2010) Grid NoC PThread Run-time x NoC-based SDR, JPEG-compression Focus on reliability
FUSE (2011) Islands Bus PThread Run-time Device driver mechanisms Image processing, encryption Loadable kernel modules (no need for a standard HW-IF)
SPREAD (2012) Islands Bus + P2P Delegated PThread Run-time x x Bus based + P2P De-/encryption
RTSM (2015) Islands (inhomogeneous) Bus Delegated PThread Run-time x x x Bus based, Vivado HLS IFImage processing