
The Sumudu transform, whose fundamental properties are presented in this paper, is still not widely known, nor used. Having scale and unit-preserving properties, the Sumudu transform may be used to solve problems without resorting to a new frequency domain. In 2003, Belgacem et al have shown it to be the theoretical dual to the Laplace transform, and hence ought to rival it in problem solving. Here, using the Laplace-Sumudu duality (LSD), we avail the reader with a complex formulation for the inverse Sumudu transform. Furthermore, we generalize all existing Sumudu differentiation, integration, and convolution theorems in the existing literature. We also generalize all existing Sumudu shifting theorems, and introduce new results and recurrence results, in this regard. Moreover, we use the Sumudu shift theorems to introduce a paradigm shift into the thinking of transform usage, with respect to solving differential equations, that may be unique to this transform due to its unit-preserving properties. Finally, we provide a large and more comprehensive list of Sumudu transforms of functions than is available in the literature.