Research Article

Continuing Medical Education via Telemedicine and Sustainable Improvements to Health

Table 3

Regressions of life expectancy at birth on selected variables.

Number of observations = 50
Period of test = 1995–2004
F(9, 40) = 36167.09
Root MSE = 0.00677

Life Exp.Coef.Std. err.95% conf. interval

Online CME
Online CME square
Tel. Ex.
Tel. Ex. square
Con. Ex.
Con. Ex. square
Tel. care
Con. services
Per capita GDP

Significant at 1%;
Life exp.: life expectancy at birth; online CME: continuing medical education via telemedicine; online CME square: the square of online CME; Tel. Ex.: the expenditure on telemedicine in millions of US dollars; Tel. Ex. square: the square of Tel. Ex.; Con. services: conventional health services; Con. Ex.: conventional health expenditure in millions of US dollars; Con. Ex. square: the square of Con. Ex.; tel. care: the quantity of telemedicine health services; and per capita GDP: per capita gross domestic product.