Research Article

Antecedents of Intention to Adopt Mobile Health (mHealth) Application and Its Impact on Intention to Recommend: An Evidence from Indonesian Customers

Table 2

Questionnaire items of each construct.


InnovativenessI1: If I heard about new information technology, I would look for ways to experiment with it.[57]
I2: Among my peers, I am usually the first to try out new information technologies.
I3: In general, I am hesitant to try out new information technologies.
I4: I like to experiment with new information technologies.

CompatibilityC1: Using mHealth application is compatible with all aspects of my lifestyle.[115]
C2: Using mHealth application is completely compatible with my current situation.
C3: I think that using mHealth application fits well with the way I like to manage my health

Performance expectancyPE1: mHealth application is useful to support critical aspects of my healthcare.[68]
PE2: mHealth application will enhance my effectiveness in managing my healthcare.
PE3: Using mHealth application will improve my productivity.
PE4: Overall, mHealth application will be useful in managing my healthcare.

Effort expectancyEE1: Learning how to use mHealth application is easy for me.[48]
EE2: My interaction with mHealth application is clear and understandable.
EE3: I find mHealth application easy to use.
EE4: It is easy for me to become skillful at using mHealth application.

Firm generated contentFGC1: I am satisfied with the company’s social media communications for mHealth applications.[116]
FGC2: The level of the company’s social media communications for mHealth applications meets my expectations.
FGC3: The company’s social media communications for mHealth applications are very attractive.
FGC4: This company’s social media communications for mHealth applications perform well when compared with social media communications of other companies.

Price valuePV1: mHealth application is reasonably priced.[48]
PV2: mHealth application is a good value for the money.
PV3: At the current price, mHealth application provides a good value.

Facilitating conditionsFC1: I have the resources necessary to use mHealth application.[48]
FC2: I have the knowledge necessary to use mHealth application.
FC3: mHealth application is compatible with other technologies I use.

Information seeking motiveISM1: I have a high intention to seek health information through mHealth application.[40]
ISM2: I will seek health information through mHealth application in the near future.
ISM3: I will recommend others to seek health information through mHealth application.

Perceived privacy riskPPR1: It would be risky to disclose my personal health information to mHealth application.[50]
PPR2: There would be a high potential for loss associated with disclosing my personal health information to mHealth application.
PPR3: There would be too much uncertainty associated with giving my personal health information to mHealth application.

Perceived securityPS1: I would feel secure sending sensitive information across mobile payment for mHealth application.[53]
PS2: Mobile payment via mHealth application is a secure means through which to send sensitive information.
PS3: I would feel safe providing sensitive information about myself over mHealth application via mobile payment.

Initial trust in doctorITD1: I believe the doctors in the mHealth application have medical qualifications.[37]
ITD2: The consultation or diagnosis provided by the doctors in mHealth application is reliable.
ITD3: In my opinion, the doctors in the mHealth application are trustworthy.

Initial trust in mHealth platformITE1: This mHealth application can fulfill its tasks.[37]
ITE2: This mHealth application will keep its promises.
ITE3: This mHealth application will keep the customers’ best interests in mind.

Intention to adoptIA1: I intend to use mHealth application to consult health issues when needed in the future.[37]
IA2: I predict that I will use mHealth application to consult health issues when needed in the future.
IA3: I plan to use mHealth application to consult health issues when needed in the future.

Intention to recommendIR1: I would recommend this mHealth application to others.([48]; [60])
IR2: I will definitely tell others that this mHealth application is good.
IR3: I am willing to tell others about the good aspects of the mHealth application.
IR4: I will tell my friends and family about my good experiences using mHealth application.