Research Article

Effect of Preoperative N-Acetylcysteine on Postoperative Blood Loss Parameters in Cardiac Surgery Patients

Table 1

Patient demographics.

VariableN-acetylcysteine group ( )Control group ( )P Value

Age in yearsa67.3 ± 9.165.5 ± 10.8.233
Baseline ADP inhibitor use5.6%4.7%.451
Baseline aspirin use92.4%96.2%.508
History of diabetes58.2%35.8%.007
History of dyslipidemia83.3%82.1%.451
History of hypertension86.1%75.5%.029
Type of surgery.001
 CABG only70.9%85.8%
 Valve only6.3%5.7%
 CABG + Valve7.6%4.7%
Height (cm)a172 ± 9.9172 ± 9.0.952
Weight (kg)a88.9 ± 22.988.5 ± 19.1.908

aMean ± standard deviation.
bTransmyocardial revascularization (TMR) or MAZE procedure.
CABG: coronary artery bypass graft.
ADP: adenosine diphosphate.