Clinical Study

Carotid Velocities Determine Cerebral Blood Flow Deficits in Elderly Men with Carotid Stenosis <50%

Table 1

The background data of the 123 subjects collected at the 1st and the 2nd followup of the cohort.

Age 68 yearsAge 81 years

In whole cohort:n = 123n = 123
 carotid stenosis right <50%, n (%)116 (94.3)
 carotid stenosis left <50%, n (%)110 (89.4)
 right ICA’s PSV (m/s); min–max; mean (SD).3–3.0;  .76 (4.1)
 left ICA’s PSV (m/s); min–max; mean (SD).4–4.0;  .82 (.47)

In subjects with right carotid stenosis <50%:n = 116
 right ICA’s PSV (m/s); min–max; mean (SD).3–1.2;    .67 (.17)
 frequency of stenosis: 0%–35%–40%; n subjects22–91–3

In subjects with left carotid stenosis <50%:n = 110
 Left ICA’s PSV (m/s); min-max; mean (SD).4–1.3;   .69 (.17)
 Frequency of stenosis: 0%–35%–40%–45%; n subjects21–85–2–2

In subjects with carotid stenosis <50%, left or right:n = 107n = 107
 SBP, mmHg (SD)150.6 (19.0)143.4 (15.3)
 DBP, mmHg (SD)92.1 (7.9)82.5 (6.4)
 pulse pressure, mmHg (SD)58.1 (14.8)60.1 (14.1)
 Ankle brachial index:
  Right1.13 (.12)1.03 (.19)
  Left1.09 (.12)1.00 (.19)
 Difference ABI ages 81–68, right−.10 (.17)
 Difference ABI ages 81–68, left−.09 (.15)

ICA: internal carotid artery.