Research Article

Myosin VI and Associated Proteins Are Expressed in Human Macrophages but Do Not Play a Role in Foam Cell Formation in THP-1 Cells

Figure 2

Expression of Myo6 splice variants in THP-1 macrophages and HMDM Total RNA was extracted from THP-1 macrophages (2 separate lysates), HMDM (from two individual donors), and COS-7 cells (3 separate lysates), and PCR was used to amplify the LI and SI of the Myo6 C-terminal tail domain. Products were visualised on a 1.2% agarose gel containing 0.01% ethidium bromide (v : v). (a) Myo6 LI in THP-1 macrophages and COS-7 cells; (b) Myo6 SI in THP-1 macrophages and COS-7 cells; (c) Myo6 LI in HMDM (1 of 2 experiments shown) and COS-7 cells; (d) Myo6 SI in HMDM (1 of 2 shown) and COS-7 cells. White arrows indicate Myo6(−LI), green arrows Myo6(+LI) (a, c) or Myo6(+SI) (b, d), and blue arrows alternatively spliced variants of Myo6 LI.