Research Article

Effect of Water Velocity on the Timing of Skeletogenesis in the Arctic Charr, Salvelinus alpinus (Salmoniformes: Teleostei): An Empirical Case of Developmental Plasticity

Table 1

Descriptive statistics for difference in the first appearance of cartilaginous and ossified elements (dph in treatment S − dph in treatment F) for the three median fins of Salvelinus alpinus reared under two treatments of water velocity (treatments S and F). Positive differences indicate that elements are forming earlier in the faster treatment, whereas negative differences indicate that elements are forming earlier in the slower treatment. is the number of coded elements for which the time of appearance was available for both treatments (less than 90 days). Min and max are the minimal and maximal difference in dph, respectively. Mean and SD describe the average difference. is the probability associated with a -test comparing the mean with a theoretical value of zero (no treatment effect).

minmaxmeanSD minmaxmeanSD
