Research Article

The Cost of Mating: Influences of Life History Traits and Mating Strategies on Lifespan in Two Closely Related Yponomeuta Species

Table 2

ANOVA table of a GLM model to estimate the effects of sex, species, mating status, the covariate pupal weight, and specific planned contrasts.

Model termDegree of freedomDevianceResidual degree of freedomResidual devianceFP

Null model5025055.8
Mating status1273.34993127.247.810.0000***
Pupal weight131.94983095.35.580.0185*
Sex*mating status1123.24962952.021.550.0000***
Species*mating status16.84952945.21.190.276
Sex*Pupal weight146.74942829.58.160.0046**

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