Research Article

Determinants and Congruence of Species Richness Patterns across Multiple Taxonomic Groups on a Regional Scale

Table 1

Variables used for the multiple regression modelling and multiple regression models established for species richness of different taxa. Listed are the beta coefficients and significance levels for the parameters in the final models established for five taxonomic groups. The explained variance in species richness for each taxonomic group is also shown. For spatial validation of models, the Spearman rank correlation coefficients of predicted and observed species richness values and the respective significance level are shown. * , ** , *** , n.s.: nonsignificant parameters in the final model that improve the explanatory power of the model (AIC).

Variables (units)AbbreviationAmphibiansReptilesGrasshoppersPlantsMosses

Maximum observed number of species/grid cell168481180400

CORINE 2000 land-cover classes
Deciduous forests (%)DEW
Coniferous forests (%)COW−1.406*
Mixed forests (%)MIX
Nonirrigated arable land (%)NIA−0.909*−0.237**
Vineyards (%)VIY
Orchards (%)ORC
Meadows and pastures (%)MEP
Natural grasslands (%)NAG
Heathlands (%)HEA
Shrublands (%)SHR
Marshes (%)MAR4.061*
Flowing water bodies (%)FLW3.052*
Standing water bodies (%)STW

Minimum elevation within grid cell (m)HTMIN−0.001**
Maximum elevation within grid cell (m)HTMAX0.075**

Landscape heterogeneity
Habitat heterogeneitybSIMPSON0.374n.s.
Range of elevation within grid cell (m)HTDIFF

Climatic parameters 1961–1990 [27]
Mean annual temperature (°C)TMPYEAR0.065*
Mean sum of annual precipitation (mm)PRECYEARSUM
Index of aridityaIOA
Mean temperature of the coldest month (January) (°C)TMPJAN1.269**−0.064n.s.

Spatial autocorrelation SAC0.053**0.159***0.409***0.078***0.005***
Number of plant speciesnot testednot tested0.071***not tested

Model accuracy and validation
Goodness of fit (deviance change)38.36%33.76%72.73%62.34%72.6%
Deviance change explained by environment44.34%45.42%17.45%7.05%
Deviance change explained by SAC55.66%100%54.48%82.55%92.95%
ANOVA (versus Null model) *** *** *** *** ***
Spatial validation of the SAC model0.758***0.646***0.752***0.648***0.721***
Spatial validation of the model without the SAC term)0.606***0.494***0.326***0.600***

a mean temperature in July/mean annual sum of precipitation.
bSimpson’s index of diversity using the relative proportion of the land-cover classes in grid cells.