Research Article

Behavioural Study of Captive Sloth Bears Using Environmental Enrichment Tools

Table 1


Active behaviour

ExploringSearching for things inside its enclosure like dead branches, stones, walls, cages, artificial objects, and so forth
LocomotionMoving from one place to another inside its enclosure quadrupedally or bipedally
FightingQuarrelling with its counterparts
ClimbingMoving up the tree trunk
DiggingMaking a hole on the ground with its paws
RollingTurning itself on the ground
PlayingPlaying and wrestling with inhibited strikes with low or no vocalization
SocialPlaying with its other enclosure mates in a friendly way
SolitaryPlaying all by itself with inanimate objects inside its enclosure
ForagingManipulating food items; this includes live plant material and drinking of water
Object observationPerusing the inanimate objects in its enclosure like logs, rocks, and walls

Passive behaviour
RestBear sits or lies with its head down or eyes visibly closed
AlertBear lies, sits, or stands with head up and eyes open and responds to any stimuli
MaintenanceBear grooms itself with its mouth and paws, scratches, defecates, urinates, and rubs its body

Abnormal behaviour
PacingBear traverses the same path repetitively
SwayingMoving its body to and fro by standing
Head tossingMoving the head up and down
Self-aggressionAction directed towards other bears
CirclingMoving in a circular direction constantly
Self-mutilationBiting its own skin repeatedly to the extent of inducing trauma

Modified from Forthman et al. [8] and Renner and Lussier [17].