Research Article

Level of CD8 T Lymphocytes Activation in HIV-Infected Pregnant Women: In the Context of CD38 and HLA-DR Activation Markers

Table 3

Activated CD8T cell counts in the pregnant group in different trimesters (data are median (interquartile range)).

ParametersTrimesters values
1st (<10 wks) ( ) 2nd (10–26 wks) ( ) 3rd (>26 wks) ( )

CD8/HLADR %39.2 (32.7, 44.5)28.4 (25.7, 34.9)25.3 (22.5, 38.3)0.028*
CD8/CD38 %39.3 (33, 44.6)28.4 (25.8, 34.9)24.8 (19.6, 32.3)0.008*

Significant values