Review Article

Hepatitis C Virus-Related Lymphomagenesis in a Mouse Model

Table 1

Synergistic effects of cytokines on Fas-induced apoptosis in irf-1−/− CN2 mice.

NoneIL-2 + IL-10IL-2 + IL-12IL-10 + IL-12

WT mice

Bcl-2 fold increase
Annexin V + percentage **** **** **** ****
Caspase-9 ** ** ** **
Caspase-3/7 *** *** *** ***

irf-1−/− mice

Bcl-2 fold increase
Annexin V + percentage *** *** *** ***
Caspase-9 ** ** ** **
Caspase-3/7 ** ** ** **

CN2-29 mice

Bcl-2 fold increase+
Annexin V + percentage *** ** *** ***
Caspase-9 ** * * **
Caspase-3/7 ** * * *

irf-1−/− CN2-29 mice

Bcl-2 fold increase++++++++
Annexin V + percentage ** * *
Caspase-9 ** * *
Caspase-3/7 * * *

Bcl-2: −, less than 2-fold increase; +, more than 2-fold increase; ++, more than 4-fold increase; +++, more than 6-fold increase (in comparison with mock treatment).
Annexin V: −, less than 20% decrease; *, up to 20% decrease; **, up to 40% decrease; ***, up to 60% decrease; ****, more than 60% decrease (in comparison with mock treatment).
Caspase-9: −, less than 10-fold decrease; *, up to 50-fold decrease; **, up to 200-fold decrease; ***, up to 400-fold decrease; ****, more than 400-fold decrease (in comparison with mock treatment).
Caspase-3/7: −, less than 200-fold decrease; *, up to 500-fold decrease; **, up to 1000-fold decrease; ***, more than 1000-fold decrease (in comparison with mock treatment).