Research Article

Cooccurrence of Yawning and Stereotypic Behaviour in Horses (Equus caballus)

Table 5

Frequencies of each type of stereotypic behaviour in relation to the period of the day (before meals, morning, and afternoon) for riding school horses ( 𝑁 = 5 9 ). Significant relationships are in bold, and behavioural frequencies with different letters differ significantly. Lip and teeth rubbing, cribbing, and weaving were not analysed here as these behaviours were performed, respectively, by only 4, 1, and 4 horses. Friedman and Wilcoxon tests, ** 𝑃 < . 0 1 *** 𝑃 < . 0 0 1 .

Frequency of stereotypic behaviours (mean ± standard error)Friedman test
Before mealsMorningAfternoon

Lip play ( 𝑛 = 1 3 / 5 9 )0.05 ± 0.11 a0.003 ± 0.03 b0.02 ± 0.10 b19.58***
wall ( 𝑛 = 8 / 5 9 )0.01 ± 0.05a0.01 ± 0.03a0.01 ± 0.05a0.07
Repetitivefeeder ( 𝑛 = 1 6 / 5 9 )licking/biting0.01 ± 0.05a0.03 ± 0.12a0.02 ± 0.06a0.78
object ( 𝑛 = 1 3 / 5 9 )0.03 ± 0.08 a0.003 ± 0.03 b0.008 ± 0.04 b11.44**
Head shaking/nodding ( 𝑛 = 1 6 / 5 9 )0.12 ± 0.32 a0.002 ± 0.01 b0.002 ± 0.01 b25.76***