Review Article

Some Rare and Insufficiently Studied Snailfish (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes, Pisces) in the Pacific Waters off the Northern Kuril Islands and Southeastern Kamchatka, Russia

Table 4

Parameters and coefficient of determination (R2) of equation of total length- (TL-) weight (W) relationship W = aTLb in different snailfish species off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka.


Allocareproctus jordani9.2 × 10−33.17220.810
Careproctus zachirus7.4 × 10−22.42690.458
C. colletti1.9 × 10−33.58190.886
C. cypselurus8.5 × 10−33.12220.641
C. melanurus7.0 × 10−33.19530.828
C. simus3.1741.89680.692
Elassodiscus obscurus6.8 × 10−33.20480.817
Palmoliparis beckeri1.0152.45220.811
Paraliparis grandis0.1762.10320.522
Squaloliparis dentatus5.1 × 10−33.40120.873