Research Article

Neoplastic and Nonneoplastic Cutaneous Tumors of Dogs in Grenada, West Indies

Table 1

Histological types, frequency, mean age (in years), and sex ratio for neoplastic and nonneoplastic tumors in the skin of dogs from Grenada, West Indies.

Tumor typeFrequencyMean age (yrs)M : F

Hematopoietic tumors ( 𝑛 = 4 )
Indolent plasmacytoma37.32 : 1
Lymphoma16.00 : 1
Epithelial and melanocytic tumors ( 𝑛 = 8 0 )
(i) Tumors of the epidermis
 Papilloma96.15 : 4
 Squamous cell carcinoma76.35 : 2
(ii) Tumors with adnexal differentiation
 Infundibular keratinizing acanthoma110.01 : 0
 Trichoepithelioma37.61 : 2
 Trichoblastoma46.03 : 1
(iii) Sebaceous and modified sebaceous gland tumors
 Hepatoid gland adenoma210.51 : 1
 Hepatoid gland carcinoma112.01 : 0
 Sebaceous epithelioma113.01 : 0
 Sebaceous adenoma110.00 : 1
(iv) Apocrine and modified apocrine tumors
 Apocrine adenoma113.01 : 0
 Apocrine adenocarcinoma2N. R1 : 1
(v) Nail bed tumors
 Subungual keratoacanthoma12.51 : 0
(vi) Melanocytic tumors
 Melanocytoma136.99 : 4
 Malignant melanoma58.93 : 2
(vii) Cysts
 Infundibular cyst45.62 : 2
 Dermoid cyst1N. R*1 : 0
 Isthmus cyst28.51 : 1
(viii) Hamartomas
 Sebaceous hamartoma1131 : 0
 Fibroadnexal hamartoma3102 : 1
(ix) Tumor-like lesions
 Sebaceous hyperplasia99.85 : 4
 Fibroepithelial polyp87.42 : 6
 Fibropruritic nodule141 : 0
Mesenchymal tumors ( 𝑛 = 9 9 )
(i) Tumors of vascular tissue
 Hemangioma88.96 : 2
 Scrotal vascular hamartoma26.02 : 0
 Hemangiosarcoma318.319 : 12
(ii) Histiocytic tumors
 Histiocytoma144.77 : 7
 Malignant histiocytosis48.02 : 2
(iii) Mast cell tumors117.38 : 3
(iv) Tumors of fibrous tissue
 Fibroma37.21 : 2
 Collagenous hamartoma47.62 : 2
 Fibrosarcoma96.73 : 6
(v) Tumors of adipose tissue
 Lipoma118.74 : 7
 Liposarcoma28.51 : 1
Unclassified tumors ( 𝑛 = 1 4 )
Hemangiopericytoma107.75 : 5
Transmissible venereal tumor45.53 : 1

*N. R: Age not reported; M: Male; F: Female.