Clinical Study

The Cost Implications of Replacing Soda Lime with Amsorb Plus in Clinical Practice

Table 1

Cost comparison between soda lime and Amsorb Plus.

Soda limeAmsorb Plus 𝑃 value

Number of GAs231 patients236 patients
Product used and cost34 canisters14 canisters0.006
(number of canisters)
Sevoflurane bottles35 bottles26 bottles0.22
(250 mls) and cost€3839.85
(number of bottles)
Waste and cost34 kilograms14 kilograms0.006 (kgs)
€30.6 (€0.9/kg*)€2.1 (€0.15/kg)

Total cost (4 weeks)€4375.69€3150.94

*Soda lime is disposed in healthcare waste, Amsorb Plus is disposed in domestic waste.